Thursday, November 20, 2008

I fail so hard I Win

I don't like Pokemon. I've never really cared for them. I mean sure as a TCG the illustrations on the cards helped me to grow with my drawing skills, I'd draw my friends favorite Pokemon cards except larger... I look back on these and see how much they are NOT pretty but for the time it was my best. Yet by and large I could care less about the little monster that live in red and white orbs attached to a belt... Shouldn't they technically be called Beltmon then?

So what in god's green earth inspired me to create this abomination of cakery?

One of my friends made this:

It's a Hard Gay rendition of Kirby... (NSFW, I mean it's not bad, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to view it there)

I was also making a cake of roundness and wanted to try my hand at decorating, so I thought and thought of something fairly easy to make into a cake and recalled this little guy:

So it's a classic white cake (box mix) with blue jello added in (I just mix the jello powder in with the dry mix and bake as would normally, adding 10 - 15 minutes onto the bake time) With blue cream cheese frosting (hand dyed?) classic white frosting dyed red, and his eyes and tail are made from nutella, the white is all un-touched cream cheese frosting.

Oh and his paws and mouth are frosting covered york peppermint patties.

Not bad for my first attempt at Cake decorating... but I can do better.


  1. My seven-year-old loves the marile pokemon cake! She wants me to make it for her next birthday. I checked out the Hard Gay link -- that was so hilarious! The part on the playground with the kids on the slide -- people would freak out if that was American TV! Now I'm going to have to watch the rest of the Hard Gay videos and spend more time not doing housework. Thanks!

  2. You're very welcome!

    Hard Gay is a phenomenon around my friends now....random shouts of "UFOOOO!" and "SAY SAY SAY SAY" it's a little scary.

    I'm very happy that my Marill cake is loved :D and I'm sure it would be too if it were still around. Thanks for the encouraging words Darthmom!

  3. Here's to, hopefully, the first of many! Great job!
